by Jackie Brown | Advertising, Branding, Marketing
It’s that time of year – fall brings lots of planning for credit unions and community banks. As your marketing budget gets finalized, you’re likely looking at numbers and line items wondering what marketing efforts have been effective this year and where to put...
by Jackie Brown | Advertising, Branding, Design, Marketing
You’ve hired a designer to bring your promotion to life. But as the project progresses something’s not quite right. Discussing creative projects can be tough. It’s easy to use subjective phrases such as “I like this” or “It’s not working for me” or “I’m not feeling...
by Jackie Brown | Advertising, Branding, Design, Marketing, No Designer - No Problem
Patterns are a great design tool to bring interest and dimension to your visuals. By repeating shapes or other elements you can dress up large areas of space, and even guide your viewer to specific parts of your design, as in your logo or a call to action. In the...
by Jackie Brown | Branding, Marketing
Sparkle? Wait, handheld fireworks in the office? Growing your credit union may not be as easy as waving a magic sparkly wand, but there are ways for you to bump up your numbers without having to create a lot of noise, flash or bangs. Just use your sparkle! We all...
by Jackie Brown | Branding, Marketing
The digital path to growth is getting a lot of attention lately. Just by reading financial industry resources or attending a credit union/banking conference, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the digital marketing, technology, and data trends. You might even...